Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Future I See for the Churches of Christ ( and then it changed...)

The last few days I have watched on posts in one Facebook group as individuals have attacked each other back and forth, relentlessly defending their understanding of scripture as the only correct possibility.  In another Facebook group of leaders and ministers, also specific to my religious tribe the Churches of Christ, I have observed discussions about blocking other members so as to not listen to their erroneous statements.  I have observed as friends have become more incensed with each other over blog articles and book reviews.  I have even participated in a few of these discussions. 
Last night I wrote down some thoughts to write about where I believe my tribe, the Churches of Christ are headed.  Spurred by a friend’s article about why ministers are leaving the church (which I think he nailed, by the way), I had thoughts of how we can work to correct this trend.  What us as young leaders in the church could do to work with older leaders.  A discussion of how we eat are own at an alarming rate.  It might have been very helpful…it might have been useless.  Maybe it will be written someday.  I was very excited to dive into the issue this morning.

Then it happened.
I logged onto Facebook and saw these words:

I've been proud of (her) for more than 25 years now, but never more so than yesterday.”
Curious I clicked to see what had occurred that brought out these words from someone I respect.  And there it was, the words that hit me this morning:

“She was place in my care 6/7/13 and stole my heart instantly. She was nicknamed "sweet pea" by my parents and loved by so many people. She had ongoing medical needs and was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive, and fatal heart condition 11/1/13 and was taken off life support on 11/5/13. I want to share the joy that she brought me the five months I was blessed to be her "mama".”
My own memories of our Cadee and the church in Trenton, MI overwhelmed me.  I could not even look at all the pictures or read all the posts on my friends wall, my emotions were so flooded.  
Here was the answer. 
Here was the God-story popping up again. 
When will we learn to view everyone God has placed in our lives as people He has placed in our care?  When will we learn that everyone, yes everyone, has ongoing needs?  When will we understand what it means to live as brothers and sisters and consider it joy that God has brought us together?  
Yes, relationships hurt. 

Yes, trusting means we will be let down.

Jesus died on the cross, not for you and me, but for the church!!  Read Ephesians 5 if you don’t believe me. 

Elders and leaders, can you shift the waves of pressure to ensure “safety” to lead your people into dangerous discipleship?

Young leaders, can you see the blessing of getting to work with people who may be dying in their dogma, but have no idea?  You may be the one to breathe life into them.

What will it take church?  When will we stop seeing people as objects to use or obstructions to our agenda and instead see people as people?

I plead with my tribe today, hear the words of Jesus, the words my friend posted yesterday as her daughter left this world:
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." Matthew 5:8

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

EQ and the Bible

Two weeks ago I was in Utah for a Parenting Seminar.  I was teaching on Emotional Intelligence, how to apply it and what the Bible says about EQ.  There are three main ideas with EQ: Know Yourself, Choose Yourself and Give Yourself.  Here is the video from it:

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Beyond Sunday...

The message was challenging, the worship was inspiring and spending time with friends was encouraging.  You loaded your family up in the car and headed home with the best intentions about living out your faith during the week.  But, between Sunday morning and Saturday night, life happened.  You know “life” – the business of work, travel, friends and children (and all of the commitments to school, sports practices, music, dance, scouts and everything else…).  These and whatever else we try to cram into our weeks seemed to crowd out the hopes we had for doing Kingdom work during the week.  We roll back into our church gatherings on Sunday, wondering what happened.  And then, the cycle repeats itself – over and over and over.  I’m not sure there is any one way to break this cycle, but I have found a reality in my weeks that has helped me to address this.  During the week, most of us have moments each day where we are transitioning from one task to the next and we have the question, “Ok, what’s next?” go through our heads.  This question that flashes through our mind can become the catalyst to living our faith beyond Sunday.  Here’s what I mean – take this moment and use it and the next 45 seconds to re-center and re-focus your day.  Here are four questions you can ask yourself in this moment (or any moment) that can help move your faith beyond Sundays:

1.)  Who am I in the Lord?  The essence of this question is to remember that you belong to the King and you are here, on earth, to help build His kingdom.  You are chosen for today, for this moment, so make choices like you know it.  Don’t fall victim to Satan’s lies, telling you you’re not good enough or that you don’t matter.  You belong to God through His son Christ.

2.)  What is God calling me to do/be?  Have you ever considered why do you live where you live or work where you work?  Why was your son or daughter placed on that team or given that teacher?  What message did you hear recently that you knew was speaking to you?  Remember, your life is filled with purpose – living God’s purpose, so know the answer to this question.

3.)  What gifting/resources has God given me to fulfill His calling?  We are gifted and talented far beyond what we know.  God has given us everything we need to accomplish His calling in our lives.  Take a moment and recognize the equipping you received.  This will help us be bold in answering the last question…

4.)  What is the next step for me right now?  What is the next decision, choice or “thing” I need to do – right now, in this moment?  Do I need to change my focus or my priorities for today?  How can I better align myself with what God has called me to do?  Asking the first three questions can help us to better answer the question we are already asking ourselves: what’s next?

Four questions.  45 seconds.  How different would our weeks be if we took the time to ask these questions throughout our week?  Together, let’s move from good intentions to faithful living beyond Sunday.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fat Tuesday Living

Fat Tuesday.

Indulge in life.  Do, eat or say anything you want and only feel guilty for one day.

Tomorrow, we’ll have to get serious about God and give worldly “things” up.  It will be cleansing, right?

I wonder today, if I have engaged in a lifetime of Fat Tuesday living?  Has my faith really changed the way I think, see and speak everyday; or only on the days I want to feel godly?  Or, have I set up boxes in my life that allow me to seek out for myself whatever my selfish heart desires at times; then magically jump into another box that allows me to present a self-sacrificing, holy living person?  Have I bought the lie that a little faith sprinkled here and there in my life is really all that Jesus expected of those who bear His name?

The Fat Tuesday life.  It’s not working for me…

Time for repentance – and not just for 40 days.

Time for change – not until the resurrection celebration, but because of the resurrection.

Anyone else need to give up the Fat Tuesday life?